This is a lotus flower. It represents rebirth, purity, and enlightenment. When I was getting ready to graduate and enter my new life as a designer, I chose this symbol as my logo and haven't looked back.
I've absolutely loved this flower and those that look like them, but have never been able to fully replicate them in any way. I haven't had the courage to try growing even a modest water lily, mostly because living in the South one always has to be wry of mosquitoes growing in still waters. Ah well, ces't la vie.
This is the same pattern as before, the Eight-Inch Doily from "Easy Tatting" by Ruth Perry. It was tatted using Lizbeth 20 "Black" and LadyShuttleMaker's "Shades of Gray." I like this color combination better than the one before, as it has a bit more contrast. I'm also not one to pay attention where the colors start on variegated, however next time I try this one, I may try it!
Also, the edge of this doily is so versatile! It's also used in a mat as well as a snowflake. I've tried to start the place mat, just to see if I could finish it, and ended up with a happy mistake. My roommate thinks it's cool like this!
Colors used are Lizbeth Black, Denim Whisper, and Country Turquoise.
I haven't got any recent tatting to share.. These were the ones I misplaced a bit ago and found again. Finals are on the horizon, and I'm in the middle of revisions! (blech)
So, I leave you now with these little gems. If I have my counts correct, these bring my 25 motif challenge count to 22. I'm getting close! :D
And, before I leave, I give you a bit of a "LOL GRR!" moment, courtesy of a first attempt at the lotus with foil paper:
(sigh) I can't get it right on the first try, EVER! ;)