I have so many projects going that I'm trying to finish them one at a time and then, hopefully, I can keep my mind on one topic. However, I keep finding some knit lace patterns that I really would like to try, so I've been swatching them as I go, trying out different yarn and all that whatnot. I've also been trying out some new techniques, and these are the fruits of my labors!
Here is a cuff pattern from the latest Piecework issue. It's the first time I've tried nubs, and I managed to get them wrong. I didn't have internet at the time, and as such couldn't watch a video on how to do the nub stitch and, consequently, got it wrong. It's done in 100% cotton that I got at Michael's, but I don't have any idea what type it is (I'm not at the house and can't look at the label).
And, for the secret project..
I've been trying to get the full shawl finished, and I'm nearly there..
This is for a birthday present, and will be dyed in reds and black. Her birthday is still in summer, but she will need it before Christmas, hence why I'm working so hard on it. It will be my first fully knit lace project as I've put aside the Goddess Shawl for working on this (also because I made a mistake with the arms and will have to rip out quite a few rows to fix it..).
I'm also skeining some thread for when I dye this beauty. Might as well do it in one go, right?
I have more that I've been up to, but these were the only items I could carry without dropping them. More to come! ^^
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