Just wanted to share where I've gotten with the fiber I got back at the beginning of the month. I haven't been spending much time on these, mostly because I've had other things going on.

I have half of the fiber spun, and only about half that plied. This picture was taken before supper, so I'm a good bit further than what you see. I've also made several new drop spindles (as you can see in the foreground as well as where I'm plying), and I have three more drying. After I get finished with this project, I have some more sanding to do since the one I'm plying with isn't too smooth! After that, they're getting a clear coat for protection.
I'm getting as bad with spindles as I am with shuttles. Funny, no? Already I'm up to nine spindles, which is closing in on my 15 shuttles!
I have been doing some tatting, and have a few finished pieces to show off, but need to do some work on them before posting. My edging is (nearly) complete, just need to do a final hiding of the ends, wash, and block before sewing it to the hat, and then it'll be done! I also have a small doily I've made for my mother, and will be starting on some snowflakes later on this week.
Productive week, but little to show. Need to get the camera out!
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