The good news is that I am now doing the pattern correctly, but haven't gotten very far on the final round. I'm still crying over it, but I've got to learn to follow the patterns FIRST before changing them, right? It's a little bit sad, but this will be the first third-row item that I've tatted that isn't a snowflake.
Weird, that..
M had to get some new glasses earlier this week, not too long after I had to cut the last round off. It had been two years since he's been, and this time he managed to get a pair that is memory metal. He's a bit rough on his glasses.. The pair he wore when we first got together literally popped the lenses out at me when we were at Monster Jam back in '08 (and on his birthday, no less!) The glasses he got after those fought the good fight before having the springs break and lenses falling out. It's still a little weird seeing him in square-ish frames, but they suit him better than the oldies!
Tried out my phone for landscapes while waiting on his new glasses..

Looks better than the macros! It's a little under exposed, but for not being able to play with the settings, I love it!
When we got back to LC, we were a bit early so they sat us at one of the waiting tables in front of the lab, where I snapped this shot:

I've worked on it some more, but not as much as I should. That's what happens when you work retail!
Happy Tatting, everyone!
I'm so sorry! So much work lost, but I'm proud of you for committing yourself to do it again. You'll be so proud of that piece when it's done.
This is the first project that I wanted to get as close to 'perfect' as I could, since it is for my grandmother. It's a learning experience - I need to get my handwriting in an easier to read way! I just hope she likes it as much as I do...
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