First off, the ever-important 'before' shot:
Tatted Motiff #12, from I was able to do both centers with thread left over from another project (I think it was the bookmark, but I'm not too sure), so I decided to do two of them. The fully solid one was by the pattern, with how the second round interlocks with the first -- two rings through the inner chains. The second is my own interpretation, which I think would look a little better with a different variegated thread so the deep purples don't intermingle with each other.
Next up, we have the square:
And finally, the earrings:
Tatted Earrings #4. These were a bit interesting to tatt in that they were done in three rounds without cutting between. I carried thread through the top most rings to add a bit of stability to them, so they are a bit thicker than the others. I have no idea where I would wear them, but I still thought they were interesting!
Going back to tatting now. I'm amazed at how much I've accomplished in such a short time!
Also, all these are in the same Lizbeth colors as I have been tatting with this week. Had them in my bag, so they were easy to get! lol
Happy tatting!
Your motifs look great! And your earrings are very nice! :)
I love those earrings - I just HAVE to make myself a pair of them! Beautiful work on the motifs!
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