This is Jon's Quantiesque snowflake, done in size 20 Lizbeth Vineyard Harvest and Boysenberry Dark. In order to get the colors to swap like they do in the last round required a SLT instead of the SS, as was written in the pattern.
I love this pattern! This is my second -completed- snowflake, and I love how the colors turned out!
I have some more ideas on what to do with what is left on the shuttles, but I need to sketch it out first before trying it out.
This year, my objective is to only have two projects going at once and, once finished, to actually finish in the ends and block as needed.
Have a few other plans, but those will be shared later. Happy Tatting, everyone! And be safe to those who have already gotten snow! (as of now, we haven't even had any rain! lol)
And, just because I wanted to share..
Sorry to hear you're under the weather. My husband and I both had some kind of respiratory 'thing' for the last two weeks of December, and it spoiled the holidays for us. It was a huge effort to go out and food shop or do household chores, and I only now am returning to a 'normal' energy level. So try to get as much rest as possible. And snow doesn't help at all! Can't believe how much snow you're getting in Georgia.
I have always wanted to tat Jon's Quantiesque pattern, but haven't done so. It's such a great pattern, and you did a nice job! I'm always intrigued by the color patterns when using variegated threads.
Thanks Kathy! My entire family has been passing the icks from one person to another, and this time I wasn't the last one to get it. Usually I'm all for snow, but this time it's too cold even for me! (Five inches is more than we've gotten in awhile, and usually I'm OK with wearing flip flops or no shoes on outside with it on the ground!)
Quantiesque is a fun pattern that doesn't take a long time to do. After you get the pattern down, it's easy! I've always been a fan of dark and moody, and this one turned out great!
Thanks again! ^^
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